A Wise Infidel


Voltaire’s biographer summarized his liberal philosophy as “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend your right to say it.”  Some of us are old enough to remember the “free speech” movement on college campuses when college students demanded to be allowed to express their politically incorrect speech.

These students have become mature adults and pretty much run our country. They are still “liberal,” but now that they are in control they no longer believe in free speech. The fact is they will run you out of your job or try to destroy your business if you dare to say things that are contrary with their views. Free speech has been replaced with politically correct speech.

Whether it is discussing homosexuality, wives submitting to the leadership of their husbands, parents disciplining their children, or God creating the universe in six days, faithful Christians are subject to ridicule, the loss of jobs and public vilification, if we champion such “extreme” ideas as taught in the Bible. The secularists speak of toleration and diversity, but the Christian dare not state the biblical teaching that there is only one way to God and that is through Jesus Christ; we are anathematized if we do.

In this environment that is so hostile to Christianity in general and the Bible in particular, we need to be careful to follow the admonition of the Apostle Paul to the Ephesians to “speak the truth in love.” We need to always be willing to speak the truth no matter how unpopular that truth is and we should also be ready to suffer ridicule and rejection for our theology and convictions. In the face of such opposition, let us stand firm for the faith and the Word of God, but let us do so with grace and with love for those who are still in the grip of the Evil One.

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