Who is Running the Asylum?


File this under the title, “The inmates are running the asylum,” as it is feeling more and more like an insane asylum. 

The latest outrage comes from California and is so loony that you will find it hard to believe that it is true. Assembly Bill 1266 became effective January 1st and it mandates that all bathrooms, gym showers, and sports teams in public schools be open to everyone. Practically, this means that 17 year old boys can walk right into the girl’s locker room. The apparent motive is the self-esteem of those with confused sexual identity.

We think that our culture can’t get any crazier, but this sort of thing keeps coming. Who would have thought that the courts would redefine marriage so as to allow for same-sex marriage or that the CEO of Mozilla, Brendan Eich, could be fired for making a $1,000 contribution to a group opposing same-sex marriage. This is not your grandfather’s country. 

Christianity has long influenced our nation, but the moral restraints of our grandparents’ faith are being cast aside as our people embrace secularism in ever increasing numbers. The resulting plunge into the moral abyss will bring us to ever more illogical and destructive conduct and spiritual darkness, and this lunacy will continue until we either come to our senses and return to the God who created us, or we are consumed by barbarianism.

Paul tells Timothy that perilous times will come in the last days, and the Apostle Peter writes to warn us that “scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts.” Well, we must certainly be close to the last days. 

But Christians must not fear the future, because the living God not only controls the future, He holds us safely in His omnipotent hands as well. We are properly dismayed and saddened by the headlong race of our friends and family toward evil, but the solution will not be found in politics and we cannot legislate our way back to God. The only answer is a work of the Holy Spirit restraining and convicting of sin. As Christians, we need to get serious about our faith and attend faithfully to the ordinary means of grace: the sound preaching of God’s Word, the reading of Scripture, prayer and the sacraments, while praying that God will show His mercy to America.


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